This creation came out of the second year of my program. The assignment was very open to interpretation and thus, open to play around with different ideas. The basis of it was to create a logo and products that would represent a real or potientially real business. I wanted to create something with a bit of humor and some cheekiness to it so I created a brand for a company by the name of Brand Designs. The company itself would be involved in creating corporate identities which is something I have an interest in. The logo of Brand was made to create the look of a branding iron so it only made sense to follow it up with the branding of it on a cow. The poster itself is quite large, 22” x 44” and it was intentinally made to be large to grab audience attention. The typography was intintally lined up with the horizon line so as to not distract from the foreground and yet simplified to portray the valid information. The notepad and pens were simply “branded” with the logo. Upon reflection I would have included contact information on the pens and notebooks and a business card made out of leather (or made it look like leather) with the logo actually branded on it.